About Me

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Hola, and welcome to my blog! I am Ana, an 19-year-old, first generation Mexican-American who is a sophomore at MIT. I will be pursuing an engineering major in aeronautics and astronautics, perhaps with an energy minor, but who knows what I'll end up doing in the long run! My interests are diverse and my propensity to find new goals is exceedingly strong. (And I have found it to be much more of a blessing than a curse.) I, in a very brief nutshell, like practicing mon Francais, I stress-release by running, adore listening to music, love playing the trumpet (particularly enjoying jazzy tunes), and, generally speaking, am very enthusiastic about the world. Hopefully you appreciate walking along beside me through these blog posts as I share my experiences as a Latina in college! Don't be afraid to comment/ ask me any questions :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

College Applications

Summer may not be the first time you think of to work on college applications. Many high school seniors are starting to rid themselves of the anxiety of picking a college after hearing back from them earlier this year. While the seniors pack away and begin to get excited about their new lives, rising seniors (current juniors) in high school should start thinking about application essays, who to ask for recommendation letters, visiting colleges, preparing for interviews....etc

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think you should stress yourself to the point where you're spending all of your time working on these things--you will have senior year to enjoy and continue your studies. It is, however, important to start at least thinking about these things earlier, so that at least when it comes time for you to get into action on your applications you won't be thinking about these things for the first time a week before the application is due.

Here are some general guidelines as summer approaches and tips for how to tackle each part of your application:

  • TESTING- Check to see if you'll have the required standardized test results for your college by the time you apply. Some schools only require the SAT or ACT. However, sometimes the school requires extra testing, such as SAT II tests in different subject areas. Be sure that you check each college's admission website to see if you meet the requirements. Use your resources wisely!                    
  • INTERVIEWS- Again, some schools require these, and some don't. Check to make sure. If they do, remember to come prepared. Bring a folder with you with any materials that they may require and perhaps a resume if you have one. Dress nicely! Finally, be confident in yourself! No matter which school you end up going to, you will have things to offer the school--be yourself!
  • ESSAYS- This was my favorite part of the application process. Depending on the school you apply to, you might have to only write one long essay or several short ones. Try to keep within the word limit. Usually if you're over you could probably say what you want to say much more succinctly in less words. If you're under the limit by a lot, you're probably not putting enough information into it. 
  • RECOMMENDATIONS- Start to think about the teachers you've established good relationships with and who know your academic abilities as well as leadership abilities and how you work in non-academic settings. Ask with plenty of time in advance and remember to thank them afterwards! If you don't have anyone you would automatically think of to write you a recommendation letter, it's not too late to get to know one of your teachers better. 
  • SCHOLARSHIPS- Even though college might seem far away during the summer, now is the perfect time to search for scholarships. Use websites such as http://www.scholarships.com/. You probably want to use your summer time to apply to these instead of waiting until the school year when you'll have other work to do. 
  • Continue to do well in school! Grades still count, especially first semester grades! 
As always, if you have further questions, be sure to leave a comment or email me. I'd be happy to answer any questions. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

To Do List

It's 8 a.m., and I already have +20 things to do on my to do list. If I wanted to get everything that I would want, I probably wouldn't finish within a week. If I stopped giving you information there, you would probably think I should lighten down my schedule or do something more manageable.

To some people it may seem impossible to have a super-filled schedule while not spreading too thin, especially in college. However, it is possible to have a very busy schedule all while performing relatively well and still having time to relax.

It all comes down to prioritizing. Above most things, I am a student, and as such I value my academic performance very highly. However, like most people, I have other interests that define me. I am also a musician, a writer, a worker. (College students are poor!) More importantly, I am also a daughter, a sister, a friend, a citizen, a mentor, a roommate.

I like to think that my priorities-- my own definition of myself-- could be seen in what I do.

To do List For Today: 

  • Study Chemistry (Practice problems) 
  • Read Physics and turn in problem set
  • Finish multivar. calculus homework and study for Exam!!
  • Listen to and write an evaluation of a radio show
  • Do rocket equation problems
  • Design Lego Robot 
  • Laundry
  • Practice trumpet 
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Exercising
  • Cook dinner
  • Apply for summer internships
  • Apply for summer teaching assistant positions
  • write a letter to my sisters
  • write to several of my friends
  • wrap another one of my friends' gifts
  • Schedule study sessions
  • Schedule Volunteering 
  • Sleep.
Now, let's be reasonable, here. There is no way I could ever do all of that in a day. But I might get a few things done here and there. I might not get anything done except the last item on the list in a given day because I simply am too tired (and sleepy) to do work, and instead add on to the list the next day. There are some things on the list that I do at least in some way every day (studying), while there are other things (exercising) that I could do a lot more of.
On a day that I want to get a lot of things done, I tell myself what the most important things to accomplish will be. As long as I get what the most important things to me are, I'm headed in the right direction.

Of course, if my schedule weren't as busy as it is, I would have more time to study, and of course, it would be a lot easier to learn academic things. However, I wouldn't be developing myself in other areas.

There are always compromises. I possibly could be just an amazing student--always doing the extra problems and the extra readings, but I would have to compromise being a friend, a musician, a volunteer, etc.

I always like to focus on the big picture. In the end, I guess my priority is to be a well-rounded, well-educated person. And in my opinion, it takes a lot more than focusing on being a good student to accomplish this.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Finding New Friends While Succeeding In School -Guest Post!

One of the things that has helped me immensely, especially here at MIT, has been forming study groups to survive through tough academic times. Lets be real, no one can sit down and focus on only one thing for 6 hours straight. Very few people could get through learning everything they need to learn for college without discussing it with other classmates. 
I believe forming an academic AND social group in college is one of the most helpful things you could do when it comes time to being successful and just having a good college experience in general. 

Guest blogger Lashanna Lim, who is in graduate school and hopes to work for a non-profit organization in the future has more to say... enjoy!

Sometimes college can feel a little overwhelming. With so many opportunities both
to learn and socialize, you might feel inclined to chose one and ignore the other.
Study groups are a great way to bring some balance into your life. You can increase
your chances of success in school and your future career while at the same time
building new friendships.

Build in Fun Rewards for Success

First off, make sure to have some fun! Dividing chapters to summarize or problems
sets to complete might not seem very exciting, so make sure your group is rewarded
for their achievements. Set realistic goals from the start (like all members turning in
homework assignments on time and receiving at least a B+) and reward yourselves
when you accomplish them. Bringing snacks or ordering New York pizza delivery
can both add some fun and help keep you focused. It’s pretty hard to concentrate
when you’re hungry, after all.

Bigger achievements deserve bigger rewards. Did you all pass your midterm with
flying colors? A night out at the movies or to a favorite restaurant and away from the
books might be in order. Make sure to pick rewards the whole group agrees upon, or
take turns choosing the rewards so all members feel involved.

Meet Diverse Friends With Diverse Strengths

Study groups can help you befriend people you may otherwise never have much
opportunity to interact with, so make sure to take advantage of that. Most often
you’ll want to form a group for a particular class so you’ll have at least one thing

in common. You can invite stand out students from class or those who you meet
in office hours. If you’re not sure whom to invite, you can always post a paper or
electronic announcement about the group to the whole class, or ask the instructor
if he or she can suggest any students who might be interested. The most effective
groups are made up of 4-6 members.

It’s important that your group find a good balance of member’s strengths and
weaknesses. You might be great at taking detailed notes in class, while another
member has a firm grasp on a concept you just don’t get. Make sure to teach each
other the skills you have so you’re all better prepared in the future. And remember,
a little tension amongst group members is not necessarily a bad thing. Groups that
get along too well are often not challenging themselves and aren’t learning as much.

Schedule Study and Social Time

It’s important to form your study group early in the semester. At your first meeting,
look over the syllabus and carefully create a group work plan. Making the group’s
schedule easily available to everyone, using a tool such as Google Calendar, is always
advised, as is having a set time and place for group meetings. Don’t forget to include
your rewards on the schedule!

If you find yourselves having too many off topic conversations, you might want to
schedule a few minutes before or after the study group just for social time. That will
give you a chance to relax and get to know the other members without interfering
with your work time. Remember, the more efficiently you use your group study
time, the more free time you’ll have to hang out with your new friends!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The First Semester

You're probably wondering where I've been hiding as I haven't written very much the first semester of college. The holidays are over, finals are successfully over, and I'm already done with 1/8th of my time as an undergraduate student?!!

Before I stay fixated on how large of a magnitude 1/8th is, let me recount everything that has been keeping me so busy my first semester and throw in some advice along the way.

College officially started at the end of August. After working an office job 40 hours a week over the summer, I was ready to roll right out of Chicago and once again become invigorated with school life. My only advice for people who are moving halfway across the country to go to school is to be organized. I'm telling you, it may not seem as though you have a lot of things, but beware: oftentimes, possessions multiply without you knowing. 

In any case, orientation week was filled with meeting new people, and having a great time. Don't underestimate how much time you need to settle in, though. Know where you can do laundry, where you can shop for groceries, where the libraries are, how you could get to the nearest Target or Wall-mart if it isn't in walking distance. Knowing these things while you're not stressed about classes will save you time, sanity, and money. Target is just cheaper.

It's nice to use this time before classes to go exploring too! I went to New York during a long weekend and got to play with buildings:

Classes officially started at the beginning of September. By this time I was sadly realizing that orientation week is one of the best things ever. Get to know everything about your classes, don't wait for people to tell you that you have an exam next week. Look up where and when your exams will be-- most schools have it on a syllabus, but if not, LOOK IT UP, really! It will make you feel happier when you know you have an exam rather than finding out a week before. Get a google calendar and put your schedule on it. READ THE SYLLABI for your classes as soon as you get them! Homework is often on there, and no one will tell you because they want to know if you are paying attention and actually care about the class. One thing I wish I would have done in September was to take the beginning of the year more seriously. Let's be honest, in high school, you spend the first week of classes settling in. In college, you start preparing for the next semester at least a week in advance if you don't want to go crazy later on.

The O in October started to stand for "overwhelmed". By this time, I had a part time job, was a mentor, was involved in a Wind Ensemble, was definitely not used to having this much work (even considering that I took a lot of hard classes in high school) and even so, the work itself is far harder. This is pretty much common sense, I won't deny it. But it is a sudden change. Don't get me wrong--it's lovely. Working hard and actually learning amazing, deep things is what I came here for, but if you're not prepared for it, your passion for things might dwindle to say the least.

This was the same as October. Except far more used to being overwhelmed. I ended up not going back home for Thanksgiving, eating pasta instead of turkey and mashed potatoes was interesting to say the least.

FINALS ARE WORTH A LOT. And if I needed any other distractions, I could always daydream about going back home in less than a month. Calculus, Physics, Biology, Problems of Philosophy, and Solving Complex Problems: done. I went back home and ate food, hugged my sisters mercilessly, and ate more food while mentally cursing my cooking abilities.

 Here, January is Independent Activities Period, which means that you can take 2 classes at the most, and breathe a little bit before the craziness of spring semester rolls around. I'm designing and making a small wind turbine during this time in a group. :D

Now that I'm not completely clueless, I can say with enthusiasm:

Bring it, Spring Semester.