About Me

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Hola, and welcome to my blog! I am Ana, an 19-year-old, first generation Mexican-American who is a sophomore at MIT. I will be pursuing an engineering major in aeronautics and astronautics, perhaps with an energy minor, but who knows what I'll end up doing in the long run! My interests are diverse and my propensity to find new goals is exceedingly strong. (And I have found it to be much more of a blessing than a curse.) I, in a very brief nutshell, like practicing mon Francais, I stress-release by running, adore listening to music, love playing the trumpet (particularly enjoying jazzy tunes), and, generally speaking, am very enthusiastic about the world. Hopefully you appreciate walking along beside me through these blog posts as I share my experiences as a Latina in college! Don't be afraid to comment/ ask me any questions :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

To Do List

It's 8 a.m., and I already have +20 things to do on my to do list. If I wanted to get everything that I would want, I probably wouldn't finish within a week. If I stopped giving you information there, you would probably think I should lighten down my schedule or do something more manageable.

To some people it may seem impossible to have a super-filled schedule while not spreading too thin, especially in college. However, it is possible to have a very busy schedule all while performing relatively well and still having time to relax.

It all comes down to prioritizing. Above most things, I am a student, and as such I value my academic performance very highly. However, like most people, I have other interests that define me. I am also a musician, a writer, a worker. (College students are poor!) More importantly, I am also a daughter, a sister, a friend, a citizen, a mentor, a roommate.

I like to think that my priorities-- my own definition of myself-- could be seen in what I do.

To do List For Today: 

  • Study Chemistry (Practice problems) 
  • Read Physics and turn in problem set
  • Finish multivar. calculus homework and study for Exam!!
  • Listen to and write an evaluation of a radio show
  • Do rocket equation problems
  • Design Lego Robot 
  • Laundry
  • Practice trumpet 
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Exercising
  • Cook dinner
  • Apply for summer internships
  • Apply for summer teaching assistant positions
  • write a letter to my sisters
  • write to several of my friends
  • wrap another one of my friends' gifts
  • Schedule study sessions
  • Schedule Volunteering 
  • Sleep.
Now, let's be reasonable, here. There is no way I could ever do all of that in a day. But I might get a few things done here and there. I might not get anything done except the last item on the list in a given day because I simply am too tired (and sleepy) to do work, and instead add on to the list the next day. There are some things on the list that I do at least in some way every day (studying), while there are other things (exercising) that I could do a lot more of.
On a day that I want to get a lot of things done, I tell myself what the most important things to accomplish will be. As long as I get what the most important things to me are, I'm headed in the right direction.

Of course, if my schedule weren't as busy as it is, I would have more time to study, and of course, it would be a lot easier to learn academic things. However, I wouldn't be developing myself in other areas.

There are always compromises. I possibly could be just an amazing student--always doing the extra problems and the extra readings, but I would have to compromise being a friend, a musician, a volunteer, etc.

I always like to focus on the big picture. In the end, I guess my priority is to be a well-rounded, well-educated person. And in my opinion, it takes a lot more than focusing on being a good student to accomplish this.


  1. and please tell us, when you will start to stop being well-rounded and have a tendency to specialize in a few things? which things will be this?

  2. Hi, my name is Julio, I'm from peru.
    Woo is that you're a model student and very brave.
    Please, I need advice and information, recently I have been encouraged for wanting to enter the MIT, I've been invetigando about the tests that I have to give and all that but I am very clear.
    I know I have to take a certification exam such as TOEFL English language.
    What I really want to know on which issues should I know math, chemistry and physics, as sometimes in different countries the issues of the courses.
    Please I want you to guide me, because I really want to enter the MIT and have fun doing what I really want, because in my country is very difficult.
    Well first of all I want to ask about age, I have 19 years now and will abide by 20, my preparation ... computing will be 1 year to master all the topics that I know for entry, I want to know if age is essential to apply. Now I am currently at the University Mayor de San Marcos, I am student of engineering systems (I need 1 year to finish), the trouble is that this was not my vocation, my real vocation of science (chemistry, physics, biology) the best, for various reasons follow systems engineering, but either way I study what I really want (redundant xD) I do not want to graduate, I want to start a new career, please I need your help, I realize my dreams.
    It would be nice to communicate with you, if the most likely in Latin Spanish and I am still in the process of learning English, my email is dexter_5_6@hotmail.com, I hope your answer
    Thank you very much!
